Cosmic Cruzin in Ecuador
How I Benefit From Travel
1) It makes the world more real to me. I understand current events better
as a result of my travels. When I hear a news story
regarding a place where I've been, it grabs my attention im-
mediately because I can plug it into my own experiences in that
place and visualize what's going on there. Not only that, I can
agree or disagree with the slant on the news story based on my
own personal experience in that place. It is not just a story
on a page or a picture in a book, but if you go there you connect;
it becomes a part of you.
2) Learning about people and places in ways second hand would
never tell you-----its the small things: the smells, the sounds,
the feels, the excitement, the music, and the many smiles especially
by young beautiful children, Seeing the Mothers caring
the small children on their backs, looking at the school children
in their stark white uniforms and their long black braid down their
back. How wonderful!!!!!!
3) Making new friends, sometimes very different than me in many
ways (especially third world countries), yet we are alike in our
shared humanity. How kind and friendly they are, willing to
share their little with me even though I have so much. Always
trying to communicate to make my visit the best ever.
4) I can empathize with foreign visitors. After I bumbled my way
through Ecuador and Colombia where the language was un-
intelligible, the currency confusing and the protocol foreign to
me, I know what it feels like to be a foreign visitor. I have
learned alot about me. To give of yourself to others can bring
much happiness. I could travel in South America with no
Spanish; I could solve problems, find rooms, hop on and off
busses, drink the water, (and live to tell about it), change
money, eat (and enjoy) things without knowing what they were,
(mystery meat).
5) Life is just a cosmic cruz at learning. Traveling opens your
mind and heart to all aspects of life. To see the sun rise and
set in different parts of the world makes you understand how
wonderful it is to take that next step forward and follow your
dreams. Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
but by the moments that take our breath away
6) I understand that the world is not a homogeneous place
(fortunately)!!!!!! Our way of doing things isn't always the
right way, nor the best way, whether your talking about how
to run a government or how to take a bath. We all need the
same things: food, water, shelters, and something to lift the
soul. Beyond that you are the one to create your own wonderful
world. Look around, the word poor is sad. What really is poor?
7) Traveling brings life to the soul and music to the ear. Art is
everywhere you look---in the carefully woven and magnificent
clothing worn so proud by the people. There's music--in almost
every bus you hear music, people in the bus are singing or
humming along with the music. Guitar trios and small pan pipe
bands play in the parks, hoping you'll hire them, but also having
a good time. You can't walk down the street of a residential
neighborhood with out hearing sounds. Sure makes you smile
and become happy.
8) People in the Western world are more and more being lived by
laws and rules instead of actually experiencing and enjoying
life. We have installed laws and rules for almost everything to
make life perfect for anyone anytime, trying to exclude any
discomfort or surprise as much as possible. If not, we can
always sue someone. Our possessions have become our status and rule our
We have so many rights that we have none at all.
But the price we pay is that we lose spontaneity and interest with
other people. We work more to have more and then spend less time with
the family.
That is the most valuable possession we have and we forget.
9) Life is not how fast you run, or how high you climb, but how well you
I loved your web page and was particularly struck by the sentiments expressed on life and living. You're my kind of gal!
Hey chica, Well you're almost back home. Lucky you! LOve your web page. Going to tell Roberto about it. Love ya Linda Queen of the Ecuadorian Jungle
Looking at the Blog and seeing how much fun you are having makes me jealous---Tell mom I said I love her and all our love from Brett and Amy too. Bear
Hope you, Carol, and Linda are having a great time. Will miss you next month on our day.
Stay safe, have an exciting adventure, and let me know if you need anything back here at home.
Miss ya,
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